From time to time, I have the awesome privilege of kid-sitting three amazing girls. Each child has a huge curiosity for life, is very intelligent, and has a witty personality. They definitely keep you on your toes, make you laugh, and push you to think on a deeper level.
One afternoon we were headed down to the basement level of the house to play. The two older girls were already ahead of me and the youngest was trailing close behind. As I reached the last step, she yelled my name and I quickly turned around and instantly caught her in my arms. She has this way of climbing on things, jumping on your lap, or making you feel like you are a piece of jungle gym equipment. :) With her tiny frame in my arms I asked, "now what if I didn't catch you when you jumped?" She replied, "No matter what, I knew you were going to."
Somewhere along the lines, I started doubting and using "what-if'" in the beginning of my sentences. Somehow, and I don't know at what exact moment, I lost sight of believing that the year was going to be all that I expected it to be. Fear! Putting one foot in front of the other to make room for things to happen became difficult and I wondered if the things I had been praying and believing for would really happen. I was stuck. I questioned every opportunity that was presented to me and closed a few doors just because I was unsure and afraid. Yes, this was all in the month of January!
Last week I was reminded of the little girl jumping into my arms with full confidence that I would catch her and not let her fall. If her faith in me was that strong, how much stronger should my faith be knowing that even as I take a step or leap of faith, God will catch me no matter what. Its one thing to have a positive attitude and hope for the best, but its another thing to put those positive thoughts into action. It takes one step at a time...one victory at a time...one goal at a time. If I begin fall I can have peace in knowing that He will catch me!
So do you have faith like a child today? Are you shrinking back on dreams or goals fearing what the outcome with be? Deep inside are you hoping for a great year but are not taking the necessary steps or actions to allow those things to happen? Jump...no matter what, He will catch you!
Just a thought...
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